About the Author

DavidGreetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

My name is David Nuottila and I am a Lutheran pastor currently serving Union Lutheran Church in Salisbury, NC. Prior to my ministry in Salisbury, I was blessed to serve as pastor to St. Barnabas Lutheran Church in Charleston, SC.

I have been a member of the Lutheran Church all my life. My migration through Lutheranism began in Michigan as a member of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS). Moving from the Midwest to the Southeast necessitated a change as there were no LCMS congregations nearby, so my journey brought me to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). As a member of the ELCA I married, became a father and continued to follow God’s call in my life.

Following the Holy Spirit’s lead, I attended seminary and began a new career as an ordained minister within the ELCA. Ultimately, as the ELCA began to drift from traditional Christian expression, God led me to my current position within the North American Lutheran Church (NALC) where the solid teaching I received as a child serves me well as pastor to a wonderful congregation of God’s people.

I am a veteran of the United States Navy and have visited countries all over the world. I have called two states home, Michigan where I grew up and South Carolina where I lived for thirty two years and began life as a husband and father. I also lived briefly in South Florida. Recently, my family and I have made our way to Salisbury, NC where we enjoy being a part of a congregation filled with faithful people. In all of these places I have enjoyed being a child of God on a wonderful journey. Lutheranism is how I have experienced life in Christ’s church on earth, and Lutheranism is what makes sense to me. Thus the title of this blog, reflecting upon my life and experiences, then as now, through My Lutheran Roots.

What I hope to accomplish through these pages on the web is the same mission I am called to as pastor, to proclaim the gospel of our Lord Jesus so that others may come to realize that as sinners we are saved by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ. I hope those who read my musings will find this blog to be a faithful reflection of life as witnessed through my Lutheran lenses. As thoughts begin to make their way onto these pages, perhaps you will find something interesting. You might even find it within yourself to make a comment or two. In either case, I am glad that you have stumbled upon my little corner of the web, and hope that through the words on these pages God speaks to you a word of His grace, peace and love.

1 Response to About the Author

  1. Glenda Dean says:

    Enjoy your devotionals! My roots are also in the Lutheran Church. I am presently attending an Evangelical Free Church in Libby Montana which is very biblically based. In Arizona we attend the Chapel there which is non-denominational (current chaplain is Methodist). The main thing is to believe in The Truth presented in The Bible, God’s Holy and inspired Word. I trust in Jesus Christ for my Salvation through the Grace He Gives Freely. Union is blessed to have you as their Minister! Have a Wonderful Day in the Lord! In HIS Love, Joy and Peace, Glenda Plyler Dean

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